First, it has been a minute and I just want to say I have not completely abandoned my baby DV yet. This quick read was a draft sitting here for months, I figured I would give a warm-up for more work to come.
The day I graduated from UCF I said to my father, " Things have just been going so well for me, I don't know what's next." He said to me " when things stop going well, keep the faith."
Right after 2015 life really outdid itself with the highs and lows. There was an overall theme of rejection that I had to overcome and accept.
I've mentioned my previous long-term relationship some posts ago, I have nothing else to talk about so here we are lol. No seriously, very relevant. So in the middle of the breakup bereavement me process, he came back, he was sorry for everything, he made a mistake. A week later in the middle of the airport, I get a phone from him saying it was over again. Double homicide lol. More important, rejection once again. It's been the overall track record of my dating and working life, even more recently but it will be talked about when I'm ready.
What do you do when you're rejected by people and spaces you thought were a part of your vision? Understand that the vision remains the same. It is important to keep running, rejection may be a pit stop, but not the finish line.
Here are a few things to understand about rejection:
You must stomach that everyone has a choice, even when you are not one of the choices.
The world owes you nothing, everything is an opportunity.
Hating someone who rejected you is an easy way to cope but it is also a way to waste time.
Rejection is not always the final decision.
It is important to acknowledge that rejection is painful.
Allow yourself to process your feelings.
Examine and accept your part in the rejection (Most of the time it's not even your fault), and don't beat yourself about it.
Treat yourself with compassion, learn from it.
Be patient with yourself.
Don't let rejection define you.
Rejection is the battle, not the war, think of the war.
Move TF forward and keep the faith.
Tammy Jr.